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Antoine Decloux

Mr. Decloux is a Technical Sales Engineer at Seven Bel, a manufacturer of high-performance acoustic cameras based on the sound field scanning technology. He holds an academic background in acoustic engineering and previously worked as an NVH Engineer at Renault, where he was responsible for the noise performance of auxiliary systems.


High-Speed Acoustic Imaging for the Localization of Impulse-Like Sound Emissions

Introducing a novel method for visualizing ultra-short sound events in automotive components, such as the engaging of an electromechanical clutch or the clicking of a car seat frame. Traditional acoustic cameras capture around 100 images per second, but this is insufficient for events lasting less than 10ms, leading to ambiguous results. Our method increases frame rate tenfold, achieving accurate localization and separation of direct and reflected sound. Using a rotating linear array of 5 digital microphones, the system compensates for Doppler distortions and evaluates signal coherence with a non-moving reference microphone for each point in the acoustic image.